Between sound and silence: How technology is changing deafness | Op-Docs
For more than a generation now, cochlear implants have, for some, been transforming the experience of deafness. In this week’s Op-Doc, “Between Sound and Silence,” director Irene Taylor Brodsky delves into conversation with a cohort of people living that transformation. Herself the child of deaf parents and the mother of a deaf son, Brodsky delves into a complex realm where deafness and hearing, rather than absolute states, are territories of human experience to be bridged and explored. Subscribe: More from The New York Times Video: ---------- Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
Explorar y describir el funcionamiento del oído y del ojo humano, considerando:
- La recepción de ondas sonoras y luminosas.
- El espectro sonoro y de la luz visible.
- Sus capacidades, limitaciones y consecuencias sociales.
- La tecnología correctiva (lentes y audífonos).
Tipo: Imágenes y multimedia / Videos
Curso: 1° Medio
Asignatura: Ciencias Naturales
Fuente o Colección: Youtube: CURRICULUM MINEDUC
Modalidad: Educación General