Aprendo en Línea Ministerio de Educación Chile
¿Qué son la oferta y demanda? (What Are Supply and Demand?)
Código ISBN: 9781508102397
This volume offers a concise overview that?s perfect for young readers who are just learning about economics. A basic overview of supply and demand breaks down the concept with clear explanations of each aspect, using concrete examples to which readers of the focus age group can relate and understand. Vibrant illustrations help reinforce the text, and pertinent vocabulary is highlighted in bold boxes or in the glossary. Questions throughout help readers put the ideas into context. This lively text keeps readers engaged and turning the pages.
Curso: 3° básico
Asignatura EG: Inglés (Propuesta)
Tipo: Libros BDE
Autor: Laura La Bella
Colección: Biblioteca Digital Escolar
Palabras claves: Libros en inglés - Consumo (Economía) - economía - Disponible para uso simultáneo
C - Copyright - Todos los derechos reservados
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