Aprendo en Línea Ministerio de Educación Chile
Who was Confucius? - Bryan W. Van Norden
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/who-was-confucius-bryan-w-van-norden Most people recognize his name and know that he is famous for having said something, but considering the long-lasting impact his teachings have had on the world, very few people know who Confucius really was, what he really said... and why. Bryan W. Van Norden reveals the man behind the mystery. Lesson by Bryan W. Van Norden, animation by Tomás Pichardo-Espaillat.
Caracterizar el surgimiento de las primeras civilizaciones (por ejemplo, sumeria, egipcia, china, india, minoica, fenicia, olmeca y chavín, entre otras), reconociendo que procesos similares se desarrollaron en distintos lugares y tiempos.
Curso: 7° básico
Asignatura EG: Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales
Tipo: Videos
Colección: Youtube: CURRICULUM MINEDUC