Aprendo en Línea Ministerio de Educación Chile

Can wildlife adapt to climate change? - Erin Eastwood

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-wildlife-adapt-to-climate-change-erin-eastwood With rising temperatures and seas, massive droughts, and changing landscapes, successfully adapting to climate change is increasingly important. For humans, this can mean using technology to find solutions. But for some plants and animals, adapting to these changes involves the most ancient solution of all: evolution. Erin Eastwood explains how animals are adapting to climate change. Lesson by Erin Eastwood, animation by TOTEM Studio.

CN1M OA 05

Analizar e interpretar los factores que afectan el tamaño de las poblaciones (propagación de enfermedades, disponibilidad de energía y de recursos alimentarios, sequías, entre otros) y predecir posibles consecuencias sobre el ecosistema.

Curso: 1° Medio

Asignatura EG: Ciencias Naturales

Tipo: Videos

Colección: Youtube: CURRICULUM MINEDUC